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Once upon a time, there was a Parish at 71st and Elberhart avenue on the South side and another one at Irving Park and Damen Avenue on the North side. As man would reason: since these two locations did not have large crowd and much expenses were being incurred on monthly basis, why not merge together so as to save money. The merger went through (during the summer months), but was short lived. That was 1987.
In those days we did not have the understanding of the spirit of worship we experience today. There was a meeting convened by the authority of the Church, through the goodwill of Our Father in Christ (late) Rev. P.H. Ajose then the Head of Overseas Diocese of Celestial Church of Christ, and residing in London. The late Senior Evangelist Uma Oriere was the Zonal Evangelist of this area at that time. The meeting of reconciliation lasted 13 hours. The golden resolution coming out of the meeting was the establishment of three groups, namely: Southside group, North-side group, and The Far North group.
We were all given $1000 each with an ultimatum declaration. "We give you six months of trial. Go use your talents. At the end of the probationary period, we shall come for evaluation, and any group that fails to meet up would be disbanded and merged with others that made it."
We thank God Almighty, all three groups developed with leaps and bounds. The south-side group, (mainly what was left from the original Parish that started in 1974), evolved as Hyde Park Parish, then into what we have today as Chicago 1, operating in Calumet City. The North-side group became Midwest Parish, and later evolved as Oshoffa Parish. The Far North group was later christened St. Michael Parish. We thank God that all three parishes as of today have roof (they can call their own) on their heads.
St Michael Parish started from a private living room in a rented apartment early 1988. The late Rev. P. H. Ajose came with two other Elders and did lodge in that said rented apartment. The late Evang Ayodabo of west London Parish was taking his shower when the inspiration came. He was told the name of our Parish would be called St Michael and since that time, that has been the name. We celebrated our first Easter at that location. Within a couple of weeks, we moved to a sub-leased office space (through one gentleman by the name of Mr. Adewunmi) at 5900, N. Ridge Avenue, Chicago. We started with eight men, ten women and children.
Few months down the road the man left abruptly for his home country and we were saddled with responsibility of paying for the whole office space, costing a thousand dollars a month. This was a far cry from the three hundred dollars we were paying for subleasing. With hope, we were determined to forge ahead. Neighbors frowned at the smell of incense and the sound of music. The land lord once asked if it was possible to worship without burning incense and playing music! We were able to celebrate Juvenile Harvest that same year as well as adult harvest in October. The following year, October 1989, we had to part with the land lord; and as God would have it, Ravenswood location was readily available for November occupancy at a sum of two thousand dollars a month. Did members wonder how we would be able meet this new financial obligation? With God, all things are possible. That was a commercial lease that continued to increase steadily and annually by one hundred dollars a month. This we did for over a decade and a half. Then we desired to purchase our own property. Several contracts were written, much earnest money went into the process. We were bent on staying on the north-side. We limited ourselves. Howard was set as the northern boundary, Belmont the southern limit, with Western avenue as the western boundary. Chicago is a very special city, for it does not have eastern part on the north side of town. We saw and fell in love with lots of buildings. There was even a prophecy that said our location would have ''37''as part of the address. Using man's wisdom, we went in search of such places, east, west, north and south, but to no avail.
Again at God's own appointed time, the Lord directed us to the south side of town. Kudus Badmus' Century 21 Agency was the God sent through which our present location was contracted and purchased. Even after earnest money had been paid and awaiting approval and closing, breaking away from the attachment with Ravenswood location was like pulling out a tooth with a pair of pliers. Reasons?: Fear of the unknown- (the new location was too far from the north), fear of losing membership as a result of the distance (approx. 20 miles) from the old location.
Against all odds, we were able to move into our property at 6920 S. Harper Avenue in November of 2005.What a coincidence! We moved to Ravenswood in November and to South Harper in November It was then we realized our Zip-code was 60637!!! Remember the ''37''we were searching for a long time. God has been so good all along and today we acknowledge the grace of Jehovah Ebenezer for His mercies that endure forever .We also take this opportunity to commit the souls of the departed Elders who played active roles in the Genesis of our endeavor (Snr Leader Sheni Shofu, Senior Evangelist U. Oriere, Rev P. H. Ajose), into the hands of the living Lord. May their souls rest in peace. Amen.
We thank God for sparing the lives of all the members who were present when the Parish started. We hope to include various names of all concerned in the next detailed report. In the meantime, we wish everyone of us God's mercy that endures forever, In Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. Happy anniversary to you all. Long live Celestial Church of Christ, long live St. Michael Parish. Amen.
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